Thursday, February 16, 2012

Insecticide-treated bednets as an environment friendly method for malaria control

Malaria is a mosquito borne public health problem in some ninety countries worldwide affecting at least 300 million people. It imposes economic burden on families, businesses, health systems, government budgets and is associated with poverty, poor health and malnutrition among children. Among various methods of mosquito control, mosquito nets specially when they are treated with insecticides provide safest, cheapest, effective, free of side effects, environmental friendly and easy to use method which provide both individual and community benefits. Other methods of personal protection like mosquito coils, mats, repellents, liquid vaporisers and insecticides like DDT are associated with hazards to human health or environment. Therefore strategies like social marketing are required to promote the large scale use of insecticide treated bednets.

Key words: Malaria, insecticide treated bednets (ITN), hazards, mosquito repellents

Insecticide-treated Bednets Use as an Environment Friendly Method for
Malaria Control. Authiors: Charu Kohli, Jugal Kishore

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Question bank in Community Medicine

The book provides all previous ten years question papers of various universities of India which are arranged chapter-wise and logically and focusing on must know and nice to know areas. Each question has been labeled with year and university in which it has appeared. The book contains more than 3700 questions and also frame of answers for few questions.

Practical and Viva in Community Medicine

This book consists of socio-clinical history taking in the family and community setting, clinical case presentation, statistical and epidemiological exercise, spots, and short question answers and viva questions. This is very useful book for practical examination in community medicine/preventive and social medicine/public health/community nursing/family medicine both for undergraduate and post graduate students.

A textbook of health worker & Auxiliary Nurse Midwife

This book is meant for auxiliary nurse midwife, health workers, sanitary inspector, TB health visitors, NGO workers. It covers-Introduction of human body, home nursing, first aid, concept of health, fundamentals of epidemiology, immunity, hygiene, oral health, environmental health, biomedical waste management, airborne diseases, contact diseases, blood borne diseases, water borne diseases, zoonoses, vector borne diseases, emerging and re-emerging diseases, tuberculosis, non-communicable diseases, home visiting, population health, RCH, nutrition, mental health, school health, communication and health education, social welfare.