Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Indian Association of Adolescent Health North East Branch
24th April, 2014 Venue:
Jubilee Hall, RIMS, Imphal
inception ceremony of North Easte Chapter of IAAH cum CME on Adolescent Health was organized at Imphal with
Prof. S. Sekharjit Singh, Director, Regional Institute of Medical Sciences
(RIMS), Imphal as the Chief Guest; Prof. Jugal Kishore, Secretary General,
Indian Association of Adolescent Health as the Guest of Honour; and Prof. Th.
Achouba Singh, Head of Department, Community Medicine, RIMS, as the functional
President. Prof. Akoijam Brogen Singh, Community Medicine Department, RIMS became the secretary greeted
the audience and gave the welcome address. It was followed by inception of the
Indian Association of Adolescent Health, North East Chapter (IAAH-NEC). It was
conducted by the Secretary General, IAAH. The founding office bearers were
introduced to the Chief Guest, the functional President and audience. Prof. S.
Sekharjit Singh, then gave the Chief Guest’s speech. He expressed happiness and
expectation of the Association. He also declared the CMME opened. He also
felicitated the resource person of the CME, Prof.Jugal Kishore.Prof. Th.
Achouba Singh delivered the presidential speech. The inception ceremony was
closed with the proposal of thanks by the Secretary, IAAH-NEC, Dr. P. Romola.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Adolescent health in Thiruvananthapuram
I visited the Government Medical College Thiruvananthapuram as appraiser of examination but with the purpose of initiating a Kerala State Chapter of Indian Association for Adolescent Health. Visited Department of Community Medicine, Child Development Center and Primary Health Center. I learned many things about pioneering work carried out in the field of Adolescent Health by Dr. Nair who established Child Development Center as Separate building in the medical college. Teen Care clinic was established way back in 1997 in Primary Health Center run by Department of Community Medicine. PHC is having triple sources of funding-Medical College, NRHM, and Local Health care management committee involving Mayor, MLA and Panchayat. I witness availability of all drugs, immunization, OPD services, dental clinic, Teen Care Clinic, lab investigation with auto-analyser with full time lab technician. It was training center for various group of students-MBBS & MD Medical, BSc & MSc Nursing, BSc Ophthalmology, BDS.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Adolescent Health Programs in Goa
I convey my sincere appreciation and gratitude to all professionals on behalf of Indian Association for Adolescent health (IAAH) for organizing 4 sessions in different places in Goa:
1. A session on "Adolescent Health: Current Issues & the Role of Health Professionals" was organized by Medical Education department of Goa Medical College. I am grateful to Dr. Kaur, Dr. Himangini Shah, Dr. Jagdish Cacodkar, Dr. Umesh Kamat where junior and senior medical faculty were present.
2. Dr Radhika Nayak, Principal Dempo College of Commerce & Economics, Panaji, IMA 1st Vice President Dr Prasad Netravalkar at Panjim, Goa
3. Dr Shailesh Hede, IMA Bardez President, and Ms Carol Noronha, principal Nursing Institute Bambolim actively organized the session for nursing students where they participated in role play and breathing exercises.
4. Shri Vaman Bhadri, Principal CTN Higher Secondary School & Super School Complex Curchorem and all the Schools of our Quepem Taluka who attended the session at Ravindra Bhavan. The session conducted at Ravindra Bhavan drew a record crowd of 1210 High School students across 14 schools and the session was unprecedented in the history of the Town. There was truly no square inch of place available freely to even stand! The students have gone home with a lot of inputs to improve their health & deal with stress. Dr. Jagdish commented in his email to Dr. Jugal Kishore "I do not recollect any such session in my 16 years of conducting /attending any Training in Adolescent Health."
Dr Ashish Mittal and Dr. Pratap Jena were also present in all the sessions.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Thursday, February 27, 2014
National Consultative Meet on Youth and Adolescent Health
The National Consultative Meet was held
in Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi on 1st Feb, 2014 and was
attended by close to 200 delegates and experts
from the fields of nutrition, reproductive health, administration, education, media, psychology,
nursing and social work. The meeting deliberated in the light of presentations
made by the members, based on literature reviewed, and developed a consensus for
the topics covered. The program schedule is given below with participants and speakers:
Venue: 3rd Floor Lecture Theater,
Department of Community Medicine, MAMC, New Delhi
Saturday 1 Feb 2014 (TENTATIVE
Welcome address Dr. Jugal Kishore, Prof &
Secretary General IAAH
Introduction to IAAH Dr.
Prema Bali, President IAAH, Former
Professor Community Medicine AIIMS
Address by Guest of Honor Dr. Deepak K Tempe, Dean MAMC
Address by Special Guest Dr. Mahesh Verma, Director Principal, MAIDS, New Delhi
Address by Special Invitee Dr. JK Das, Director NIHFW, New Delhi
Address by Chief Guest Mr. Amod Kanth, Gen Sec PRAYAS JAC SOCIETY
Vote of
Prof. Surrinder H Singh Vice
President IAAH
Tea Break
Scientific Session “Road Map
Formulation for Youth & Adolescent Health”
Topic & Speakers
Dr. Suneela Garg, Director Professor
Community Medicine MAMC, New Delhi
Dr. Vasanthi Krishnan, National Coordinator (NHCRSC), IEC Div NACO and Vice President
Need for Skill development for adolescents
Mr. Sharda Prasad IAS ( Retd) Advisor to Government of Arunachal Pradesh.
Mental health problems in
adolescents and youth
Dr. Rajesh K Sagar, Professor
Psychiatry AIIMS; Secretary Central Mental Health Authority, MoHFW, Government
of India
Social and sexual health issues among adolescents
Dr. Prema Bali, President IAAH, Former
Professor Community Medicine AIIMS
Evidence based interventions to address Adolescent Oral
Dr. Vikrant Mohanti, Head Community Dentistry and Tobacco cessation
Clinic, MAIDS, New Delhi
National Consultative Group
Group 1
Reproductive Health &
HIV/AIDS, Gender and Sexuality (Lecture Theater 3rd
Dr. Manisha Gohel, Assist Prof
Com Med, PSMC, Karamsad,
Dr. Vasanthi
Krishnan, National Coordinator (NHCRSC), IEC Div NACO
Nandini Sharma, Dir Professor Com Med MAMC, New Delhi
Dr. JG
Prasuna, Prof Com Med LHMC
Dr. JP
Kapoor, Director School Health, Govt of NCT Delhi
Dr. Sonia
Trikha, Practicing Gynecologist worked in Unicef and WHO
Ashok Kumar, Training in-charge, MCD
Vidya Surwade Assoc Prof, Saraswathi Institute of Medical Sciences, U. P.
Manju Toppo, Associate Professor Com Med GMC Bhopal
Shah Mittal, Bhopal, Unicef
Pragya Sharma, Assoc Prof Com Med MAMC
Ragini Sahay, Associate Professor, NOIDA
Sanjeev Kumar, Assistant Professor, Com Med LLRM Medical College Meerut
Anjana Verma, MAMC
Pallavi Boro, MAMC
Group 2
Employment and Skill
development (Conference
Mr. S Krishnan IAS (Retd) Former Secretary to Government of India
Dr. Niti Pall,
Saudan Singh, Dir Prof & HOD
Com Med VMMC Safdarjung Hosp
Mr. RK
Mandal, Principal, Bangalore
MR. Satish
Bali, Senior Architect, New
Ms. KG Santhya, Population Council
Dr. Amod Kumar Prof. HOD Community Health,
St Stephan Hospital
Dr. OP Kansal, Advisor-Injection Safety, BD Medical, Gurgaon, Haryana
Dr. Madan
Gopal, Health Insurance Min. of Labour
Ms. Vinita Srivastava, Associate Professor
Engineering College, Ghaziabad
Ms. Monika Sharma, Teacher, School Gautam Nagar, New Delhi
Dr. OP
Rajoura, Associate Professor Com Med UCMS New Delhi
Kumar Roy Associate Professor Com Med LHMC New Delhi
Dr. Ashish
Mittal, CEO, OHMCS
Jitender Meena, MAMC New Delhi
Dr. Anshul Shukla, MAMC New Delhi
Mr. Jivika
Mittal, Journalist Drug Today
Group 3
Adverse Effects of Substance
Use, tobacco and Mental Health (Seminar Room)
Dr. RC Jiloha, Director
Professor & Head GB Pant Hospital, New Delhi
Dr. DR Gaur, Professor &
Head Community Medicine MAMC Agroha Haryana
Dr. Paras Agarwal, MAMC,
Dr. Rajesh Sagar, Professor Psychiatry AIIMS and Member Secretary Central Mental Health Authority, MoHFW, Government
of India
Dr. Rahul Bansal, Prof & Head Com Med Subharthi Medical
College, Meerut, UP
Dr. Dinesh Kataria, Professor Psychiatry, LHMC New Delhi
Ms. Nirmala Singh Vice Principal Nursing College, RML Hospital
Dr. OP Jhirwal, Associate Prof. Psychiatry IBHAS, Delhi
Dr. Junaid, Professor Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi
Vikrant Mohanti, Assistant Professor MAIDS, New Delhi
Ms. Savita Verma, Senior Freelance Journalist
Dr. Arun Kumar, SHKM Govt Medical College, Nalhar Mewat, Haryana
Dr. Aisha Parveen, Assistant Professor Jamia Hamdard, Delhi
Dr. Amrinder, Star Dental India
Dr. Drishti, MAMC, New Delhi
Dr. Neha Gupta, SRF, Com Med MAMC, New
Group 4
Nutrition and Life
Style Disorders (Senior Resident Room)
Dr. D Bachani, Dir Prof &
Head LHMC, Dy Commissioner NCD, MOFHW
Dr. Brahm Prakash, Chief Medical
Director Northern Railways
Dr. T Anand, MAMC, New Delhi
Sangeeta Yadav, Dir Professor Pediatrics MAMC, New Delhi
Eram Rao, Associate Professor, Food and Nutrition, Delhi University
Nishu Chaudhry USAID Consultant
(Media Planning) IEC Division, MoHFW
Dr. Manish Goel, Associate Professor, LHMC, New
Dr. Om
Lata, Assistant Professor Physiology, AIIMS, Jodhpur
Usha Kumar, Regional Director Education, Govt of NCT Delhi
Dr. Meeta Jain, Assistant
Professor, Com Med LHMC New Delhi
Seema Rani , Assistant Professor Nursing College Jamia Hamdard
Sadia Nikhat, Assistant Professor Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi
Ms. Swati Sharma,
Scientist (TIFAC) Dept.of Science and Technology, Govt.of India
Tapas Nair, MAMC, New Delhi
3:30 -4.15 PM
5.00 PM
by the groups 10 minutes each
5.15PM onward
High Tea
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This book consists of socio-clinical history taking in the family and community setting, clinical case presentation, statistical and epidemi...