Monday, September 7, 2020
Friday, August 14, 2020
Release of Booklet on Guidelines for Running Stand Alone Clinics in Covid Times
Mera Swaasth Physicians
organized a SEMINAR ON
Stand Alone Clinics-Challenges Now & in Future &
Release of Booklet on Guidelines for Running SAC in
Covid Times
12 Aug at 3 pm
Chief Guest of the program was Dr Sunil Kumar, DGHS MoHFW, Govt of India. Other Distinguished Guests were: Prof (Dr) Jugal Kishore HOD Dept of Community Medicine VMMC & S J Hospital; Dr B B Wadhwa President DMA; Dr P Lalchandani Sr. V P DMA; Dr Ajay Gambhir Secy. DMA; Dr Prem Agarwal Chairman National Medical Forum & Member Elect DMC; Presidents of All Branches of DMA.
Dr G S Grewal Dr. Anil Sharma Dr U Gami Dr Kiran Kukreja
Chairman WH&Y Convener MSPN Secy. Gen WH&Y Moderator
On release of Booklet Dr. Jugal Kishore spoke that he has experience of previous pandemics like HIV, H1N1 Flu, threats of MERS and Ebola therefore, he had fair understanding of people and political reactions and measured required to handle such pandemics. Fortunately, he has been sent to Ladakh as a part of central rapid response team and later on to Indore and Madhya Pradesh. Being the Vice President of Indian Association of Epidemiologists, they had released two special issues of "Epidemiology International" Journal where he has written editorials and articles and was convinced that lot of correct risk communication required. They had published Frequently Asked Questions. With Dr GS Grewal they have done many programs particularly age friendly care and improvement of health of elderly in Municipality ward involving all stakeholders. This Covid 19 pandemic brought new challenges for them. they planned to develop advisory to private practitioners in stand-alone clinics. As 80% of the people in the community depends upon private sector and stand-alone practitioners share the major portion. During this pandemic all such clinics were closed down due to fear of infection to their patients, self and staff. With the objective of removing such fear and normalizing functioning of private practitioners, they have developed this advisory. Under the supervision of Dr. GS Grewal and Dr Jugal Kishore, Dr Tanu Anand Scientists working in ICMR and Dr Venkatesh Senior Resident in department of Community Medicine VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital written the booklet and Dr Shekhar Grover Public Health Dentist working in MAIDS gave his input for dental clinics. Each advisory statement is either National Center for Disease Control, MoHFW or WHO or CDC. Therefore, they are confident that preventive measures suggested in this advisory are practical and doable.
This book consists of socio-clinical history taking in the family and community setting, clinical case presentation, statistical and epidemi...